04 April 2012


Sorry people because i'm emo ing and i' m just wanna find a place for me voice out my feeling because it's suffering i keep inside my heart. I just dunno why suddenly so many problems comes to me recently~tired, fed up, stress, cried and sick!!!Studies problem, assignments, house's problem, friend and even relationship!The most tiresome is about the house problem that i'm staying now?Everytime talk about money then sure would end up with the unhappy breakup.I hate been not respected!you're a guys, and at least you respect yourself but you were not!!!I'm the precious of my daddy and mummy too~please care about my feeling and i have self-esteem too! #damn #dafuck i think yesterday was the day i scolded with the most of rude words sorry~i'm not willing too~but i just can't control my emotion!besides, i'm tired with the assignments too~6 final assignments and presentation i need to do within this two weeks i gonna ki siao soon :((( plus the exam is coming!!!totally stress until the max!Conclusion I HATE APRIL!!!

Sorry friends if i make you all worry about me~thanks for the care and concern~i felt better and i promised i will be alright soon~i'm still who i'm!!!LAU MEI QI!!!u can do it!!!><

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